Thursday, August 13, 2009

Post 3 Infographics- Rita Masarin

Today information graphics surround us. They illustrate information that would be difficult in text form, and act as visual shorthand for everyday concepts such as stop and go.

It is used heavily in children's books and are also common in scientific literature, where they illustrate physical systems, especially ones that cannot be photographed (such as cutaway diagrams, astronomical diagrams, and images of microscopic or sub-microscopic systems).

Modern maps, especially route maps for transit systems, use infographic techniques to integrate a variety of information, such as the conceptual layout of the transit network, transfer points, and local landmarks.

Traffic signs and other public signs rely heavily on information graphics, icons and emblems to represent concepts such as caution and the direction of traffic.

I believe infographics, especially in advertising are some of the most challenging types of art, as they must simultaneously serve two completely different purposes.

First the designer must be able to generate a concept and have a strong graphical impact. Second, you have to accurately display the information in a way that is logical, as well as fits with the overall design

I think the use of imagery to convey data can be very compelling. It draws viewers in and taps into their creative side.

The root source of the info is still the most important but this can really amplify data for those who are more visual-learners like me.


  1. A great post on an interesting, yet often ignored, area of graphic design.

  2. good post senior Rita really well researched and translated into text....well done
